Central Texas continues to be adversely affected by the continuing drought. Senna Hills MUD has adopted a new Drought Contingency Plan effective on 5/1/24. We are required to adopt a plan that is at least as restrictive as either the plan already adopted by the West Travis County PUA (our water supplier) or the plan adopted by the LCRA (the regional manager of the lakes from which the PUA draws untreated water). Based on lake levels, effective May 1 we will be in Stage 2 of the new plan. A full version of the new plan can be found on the Senna Hills website at https://sennahillsmud.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Drought-Contingency-Plan_April-30-2024.pdf.
Below is a summary of the key Stage 2 restrictions effective on May 1, 2024:
- In-ground irrigation or hose-end sprinklers are allowed on the following days based on the last digit of your street address. These days are the same as the restrictions last year.
- Monday: 1, 3
- Tuesday: 2, 4
- Wednesday: 5, 7
- Thursday: 6, 8
- Friday: 9, 0
- Each resident can irrigate on their designated day only from 6AM – 10AM and from 7PM -10PM. The total irrigation window is 7 hours on your designated day.
- Irrigation with a watering can or handheld hose can be done at any time.
We encourage all of you to sign up for EyeOnWater to monitor your compliance and to detect leaks. Please see the following link for enrollment instructions (https://sennahillsmud.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Senna-Hills_Eye-On-Water-Instructions.pdf). We also encourage everyone to have an up-to-date email address registered with Inframark. To register your email or verify the one they have is up to date, please send an email to csaus@inframark.com.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email Chet Palesko (chetp@savansys.com) or Inframark support (csaus@inframark.com).
Thank you in advance for your cooperation regarding these restrictions.
Senna Hills MUD